Monday, April 13, 2009

The Love between Mother and Daughter is never ending….

The Love between Mother and Daughter is never ending….
When I was 8 years old my Mother had a mini-stroke while my Father was out of town. A friend found her and took her to the hospital. While in the ICU, the first thing my Mother said to me was “but I was supposed to make you macaroni and cheese. THAT is a Mother’s Love. Thinking of your child first despite what else is going on in your world. Not Even a stroke could curtail my Mothers overwhelming love for me.
I experienced selfless acts of love like this from my Mother my whole life. She was my biggest supporter, my confidant and best friend.
On Easter 2008, my Mother made an hour and half just to come see me. You may be thinking, “big deal, that’s not a long drive”. Well, you see my Mother was fighting for her life. That previous October she had been diagnosed with stage IV Non Small Cell Lung Cancer after having a massive seizure and finding a mass in her lung and subsequent metastases.
That Easter will remain in my heart forever. After spending the day together I was helping her into the car and I thanked her for coming. She looked up at me and said, “ I would never miss an opportunity to see you”. I could feel the love coming from her heart, eyes, body and soul. . I will remember that moment for the rest of my life.
For Christmas 2007 I gave my mother a bracelet with this engraved upon it. “The Love between Mother and Daughter is never ending”. She wore this bracelet through all her treatments and during her declining health. ON August 13, 2008 my beautiful, loving, selfless Mother passed from this life to the next. My Life will never be the same but the LOVE she showed me will last forever. Upon my Mothers headstone will be the inscription “the love between Mother and Daughter is never ending”. I periodically wear that bracelet in Honor of the Love we shared.
Love remains. I love you Mom. Thank you for teaching me to love unconditionally. Christi

1 year later...

It has been 1 year since My Sister N Law Leysa's life was tragically cut short on April 11, 2008. Her husband took her life and then his own. While her physical presence is no longer here, she lives on through the children that call both of us MOM.

Domestic Violence/Domestic Homicide is a Crime which affects people of every race, religion, sex, and financial status. Domestic violence DESTROYS any family or relationship it touches, unless it is recognized, treated and stopped!

Facts on Domestic Homicide
"In the U.S., estimates from the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) are that more than three women a day are killed by their intimate partners. Women are killed by intimate partners more often than by another acquaintance of stranger. Most of these murders involved were preceded by physical and psychological abuse. The pattern that emerges in these cases involves intimate partners in the 20 to 35-year-old range: The man is abusive, psychologically and/or physically. Obsessed with the woman to the extent that he feels he can’t live without her, he is fiercely jealous and determined to isolate her. Characteristically, suicidal murderers have little regard for the lives of other people; they would be considered, in mental health jargon, to be antisocial. Yet they are so emotionally dependent on their wives or girlfriends that they would sooner be dead than to live without them. When the girlfriend/wife makes a move to leave, her partner is absolutely distraught in the belief that he can’t live without her".

RIP Leysa~ Oct.17, 1974--April 11, 2008

Other resources:
The National Organization of Parents of Murdered Children
The Children's Bereavement Center
Crime Victim Services Program
Federal Agencies and Resources